P.A.W.S. Bylaws
P.A.W.S. Executive Board:
Community Activities: , President
Treasurer: Cassie Graham
Student Council: Ryan Milus
Administration: Shelly Nauman
Foundation: Amanda Pellegrini
Established January 10, 2013
Article I – Name
- The name of the organization shall be P.A.W.S. (Positively Active Wildcat Supporters)
Article II - Purpose
- Support education of children by fostering relationships among the school, parents and staff.
- Generate funds.
- Provide financial support to the curricular and extra-curricular programs/activities.
- Ensure current programs existences.
- Provide family activities and parenting education.
- Promote School Spirit.
Article II - Membership
- All parents and guardians of District 99 students are members.
- Community members.
- All staff, coaches and supervisors of extra-curricular activities are members.
- Any inappropriate or unbecoming behaviors/actions of a member may result in dismissal from organization.
- Members should attend meetings, take an active role in activities and serve on committees when possible.
Article III - Delegation of Powers
- It is up to the President to interpret the Bylaws when questioned.
- In order for an official meeting a Quorum (4) of voting members must be present.
- Voting Members: Seven Executive Committee members
- The officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any vacancy will be filled among the Executive committee members.
- The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board, serve as the primary contact, and coordinate the activities of the Board, Committees and organization.
- The Vice-President shall assist the President and carry out the Presidential duties in the absence of the President. The Vice-President will become President if a Presidential vacancy will occur.
- The Secretary shall record and keep all records and minutes of this organization.
- The Treasurer shall receive all funds and maintain all records of funds for the organization. Financial statements must be presented at each Executive meeting.
- Any officer who has failed to perform duties in two instances will be asked to resign.
Article IV – Executive Board
- The officers are elected for one year.
- Board members must meet membership qualifications.
- Executive committee members are appointed by each of the (7) sub committees
Article - Sub-Committees
- The sub committees shall be: Financial, Community Activities, Classroom Support, Extra Curricular, The Foundation for Educational Enrichment, Student Council and Administration.
- The sub committee members are any organization members willing to participate.
- Each sub committee will appoint an Executive Committee member to represent their committee. They will also serve as chair of the sub committee.
- A vice chair will also be chosen to assist the chair and carry out duties in the absence of the chair.
- Sub committee meetings will be held at the discretion of the chair. 3 meetings will be held during the school year.
- Administration, Student Council and The Foundation for the Educational Enrichment are established and self-sufficient committees that the Executive Committee does not rule over. They are members to enable communication and eliminate conflicts.
- Community Activities: Funfair, Assemblies, family activities
- Financial: Establish local business ties, restaurant nights, Bergner’s, Steinberg’s, Classroom supplies, all fundraising, concessions, and Market Day
- Classroom Support: Supplies, PBIS
- Extra-curricular: Provide intramurals, 4-6 sports, support all extra-curricular
Article V – Meetings
- Executive Committee meetings will be held three times during the school year. Meetings will begin at 6:00 on the 2nd Monday of an official school day in the months of August, January and May.
- Meeting dates may be changed within one months notice.
- Meetings are held at the Kennedy Library unless otherwise specified.
- Meetings are governed by the “Robert Rules of Order” when applicable.
- An agenda must be prepared prior to each meeting containing: Officer reports, Old business, New business, Public comments, and Closed session, if needed.
- Anyone interested in placing an item on the agenda, must contact the President at least 1 week prior to the Executive meeting.
Article - Amendments
- The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
- Notice of the proposed amendments must be posted and presented to the Executive Committee (7) days prior to the date of the executive meeting.
Article - Finances
- A Budget will be drafted at the August meeting.
- The treasurer will keep track of all records and receipts.
- The Fiscal year is from July 1 until June 31.
- The Executive Board will nominate (3) officers to audit records.
- The Board must approve all expenses.
- Two authorized officer signatures are required on each check.
- The organization shall maintain a checking account at Spring Valley City Bank.
- The organization will maintain a minimum balance or $1,000 liquid capital in the account at the end of the school year and to start the next year.